Android Essentials

These are the essential apps to your Android Needs.

  1. Newpipe

    Better YouTube Frontend for Android.

  2. Niagara Launcher

    This is the only paid software I’ve (ever) used in my life. There is a quite capable free version available too. A truly modern launcher that isn’t like any other. And no, this isn’t sponsored

  3. Via Browser

    Best browser for Android. Change my Mind.

  4. LibreTorrent

    Best torrent client for Android.

  5. Transdroid

    Manage torrents on your PC from your Android.

  6. Notebloc

    Arguably the best document scanner available in the market. Clean interface, Clear results. You can turn off internet while using to avoid Ads, but consider switching to the pro version.

  7. Organic Maps

    Offline Map that doesn’t track you. Uses OpenStreetMap data (which you should check out and contribute if you can) that can be spotty at times, but works good generally.